Have you ever looked in the mirror, pulled back the skin on your face, and wondered, “Why can’t my face just look like this?”

We’ve all wondered how to keep our skin looking as young as it does when we hold it back. Why can’t it just stay that way?

Well, now it can — and it doesn’t even require surgery. With a thread lift, you can get the look you’ve wished for without ever going under the knife.

As we age, we feel like our face looks like it’s melting away. We just want to pull it back again. That’s exactly what a thread lift does. It uses small dissolvable stitches to pin back the skin where you want it. Here’s how to keep your skin looking young with a thread lift treatment (and some great thread lift before and after pictures!)

What Is a Thread Lift?

A thread lift is a minimally invasive procedure for the neck, face, and jowls. We place a dissolvable PDO suture (similar to a normal stitch) under the skin, the thread lifts sagging tissue and muscle. These sutures have small, textured barbs on them that allow us to grab the skin and pull it back. The skin is then held in place by those barbs, which gives it an immediate lift for a more natural, refreshed look without any cutting, downtime, or the exorbitant costs of a surgical facelift.

What’s the Difference Between a Surgical Facelift and a Thread Lift?

Any time you have facial surgery — elective or not — you face the risks that come with it. You are put under anesthesia and most patients need weeks to a month to recover, and around six months to see full results due to swelling. Plus, surgical facelifts involve cutting away your skin — and that can’t be undone. If you don’t like the results of a surgical facelift, there’s no going back. There’s also an exorbitant cost.

Thread lifts are much different. A thread lift is not surgery — that means no anesthesia, no cutting, and no downtime. We numb the area using lidocaine, so pain is minimal. We want the patient to stay as comfortable as possible. Plus, the cost is much less — usually about one third of the cost of a surgical facelift and it’s not permanent. If you don’t like your results, we simply remove the threads.

Thread lifts also give a different look than a facelift. With a surgical facelift, in most cases people can tell you have had something done. With a thread lift, no one has to know (unless you want them to!). Thread lifts are more subtle. They give a refreshed, younger look without the drastic change that comes with a surgical facelift.

Thread LIift vs Facelift

How Quickly Can I See Results?

Results are immediate. You’ll even see your results before the procedure is complete! Before we cut the threads, we ask you to look in the mirror, smile, and make faces to ensure you are happy with the placement and lifting from each thread. If we need to adjust anything, we can do it before we snip the thread.

Check out these amazing thread lift before and after pictures. These images were taken immediately after the procedure:

How Long Does a Thread Lift Last?

How long does a thread lift last? On average, results last about a year, depending on your lifestyle. If you get a thread lift but don’t do anything else to take care of your skin, it may only last six months. However, if you have an effective home regimen and keep up with other cosmetic treatments like peels, laser treatments, fillers, and Botox, your thread lift can last up to 18 months.

Related: 4 Lifestyle Habits That Can Permanently Damage Your Skin

How Much Does This Cost?

Most dermatologists charge by the thread set. Please contact our nearest Epiphany location for a more accurate estimate.

How Many Treatments Do I Need?

A thread lift is done in one office visit. Results last about a year, so you’ll only need to come back sooner if you decide to add another set of threads.

If you’re ready to see your own thread lift before and after results, give us a call so we can discuss whether a thread lift is right for you.