We all have those problem areas where we just can’t seem to lose weight. The places where countless crunches and diets never quite seem to do the trick.

If you’re looking for an alternative way to lose love handles (and other stubborn fat), SculpSure may be the fix. It’s a simple procedure – in fact, I’m trying it right now! – with long-lasting results. Here’s how it works:

What to Expect During A SculpSure Treatment

I currently have four paddles strapped around my waist. Depending on the problem area you’d like to target, these paddles can be attached to different areas of your body in different formations.

The machine feels cool at first, but then warms up the areas around the paddles. It then becomes hot and a little tingly, but just as it warms to the brink of being too hot, the machine automatically cools. The cool touch of the machine relieves the hot skin. 

This treatment feels different than CoolSculpting, which became very uncomfortable as the temperature remained constant for an entire hour. With CoolSculpting, I was very ready to be finished with the treatement. So far, SculpSure isn’t unbearable at all.

Recovering From A SculpSure Treatment

After the treatment, SculpSure only brings slight discomfort, since it makes the tissue a little tender. Some patients experience this tenderness for 1-2 days, but that seems to be the exception. In most cases, people finish without bruising or discomfort.

Which Areas Can Be Treated With Sculpsure?

This treatment gets rid of fat pockets in multiple places including love handles, stomach, bra line, arms, and inner thighs. Even pockets of fat originating from scar tissue respond to SculpSure. However, this is not a weight loss treatment. Instead, it’s a way to target the areas that haven’t responded to traditional diet and exercise.

What Happens After A SculpSure Treatment?

One of the best parts about SculpSure? It only takes 25 minutes per treatment. And after the procedure is over, patients can’t believe the difference they see the first few weeks. Kyle Richards endorses SculpSure saying, “I wish I could get this on my whole body!”

You’ll see some results from SculpSure at once, but the full results will show within 12 weeks – the amount of time it takes for the fat to completely break down.

The laser treats about 2.5 centimeters into the fat, reducing the fat pockets significantly. When the procedure is repeated over the course of about 3 months, enough cells are eliminated to see a significant improvement.

How Long Do SculpSure Results Last?

SculpSure provides a permanent solution to enlarged fat cells. Once fat cells have expanded, they more easily grow again. We disrupt that cycle by eliminating cells in sensitive areas. The cells that remain can still fluctuate, but there are fewer cells left to expand.

Just like that, I’m finished with my SculpSure treament! After only 25 minutes, I’ve completed my treatment and can get back to my day. If you have a “problem area” you’d like to treat with SculpSure, contact us here to schedule a consultation!